Current Projects

Recovery Jobs - helping those in active recovery secure jobs and build careers

People in recovery face challenges finding employment due to the lack of an employment support structure.

Recovery Jobs is looking to become the intermediary between late-stage treatment centers, recovery residences and collegiate recovery programs and designated recovery friendly workplaces. As recruiters, we seek to provide the recovery community with job opportunities, education, training, and additional 1:1 services. 

Recovery Jobs is at the seed stage of development.

New Road Media is a Cofounder. - bias free career matching

We all have a story to tell, our own story that we own.

GoGig is an anonymous job matcher, believing candidates should feel in control of their career advancement.

GoGig’s platform removes discrimination and implicit bias. Remaining anonymous puts the power of career advancement in the hands of the candidate as opposed to traditional hiring technologies which allow bias to occur in the hiring process.

New Road Media is a seed investor.

Claravise - career coaching by M.Ed. credentialed coaches

Claravise believes everyone deserves a fulfilling career. Its blended “learn&discuss with a coach” provides its clients the chance to discover, imagine and plan what could be.

New Road Media is a Co-founder.

Imperative - peer to peer PURPOSE-driven conversations

Imperative is the pioneer for measuring one’s purpose drivers.

Today, the company features its own peer coaching platform where talent can properly coach other talent inside client organizations like Microsoft, Disney and others.

Imperative helps hybrid organizations build employee connection through high-impact conversations & relationships—the kind that used to only be possible when face-to-face.

New Road Media is an early stage investor and is exploring with Imperative’s CEO how to move into the peer recovery space.

Lived Experience Productions - recovery storytelling by those in-recovery

Lived Experience Productions provides paid Creative Apprenticeships to graduates of SUD treatment providers for helping brands tell stories-real stories. The agency then offers their talents and works to select companies and government agencies to hire “us”..

New Road Media is a co-creator and working to find government agencies to be our “alpha partner”.

Recovery Education- helping parents of children struggling with SUD

Recovery Education & Applied Learning (REAL)
 is a low-cost subscription platform for parents of children struggling with Substance Use Disorder. It's an experiential platform featuring daily live events with experts, a self-paced course with 70 lessons from renowned addiction specialists and the perspective of those in recovery, a forum-based community where parents can connect with others going through similar journeys, and a library of vetted resources.

New Road Media is the initial co-creator and now advisor to the company.

Vidora - machine learning


Vidora is a machine learning decisioning company. It analyzes their clients’ 1st party consumer data to scientifically suggest the next best action the consumer can take.

New Road Media is a seed angel investor. -work+life integration workshops

Working females in particular suffer a particularly high level of economic hardship due to not knowing how to integrate their workplace development and family responsibilities like caring for a child with an illness. is a corporate social responsibility [CSR] consultancy for human resource professionals. It was formed by 4-leading academics to help HR leaders “think-additively” to their DEI programming by including family caregiving to their “Equity” programming.

New Road Media is the creator, co-founder and business developer for the consultancy.

Psychology Content Studio- content marketing for the workplace

Content marketing services centered around peoples’ betterment in their work+life.

New Road Media is the creator.